What is health?

Being healthy is not a destination or a moment. It is a journey.

Being healthy is not a sprint. It is a marathon.

It is not being “perfect” but rather continuing to make progress.

Being healthy means making a commitment to yourself yet still recognizing that you are human.

Give yourself grace and forgiveness when you have an off day. We can’t be 100% all the time.

Being healthy means searching for balance in your life. Balancing nutrition, exercise, sleep, alone time, time with others, parenting, work, creative endeavors, etc is no easy feat. It’s like juggling 12 balls at once. It would be surprising if you didn’t drop a ball or two from time to time.

Health is NOT a fad, a crash diet, a one-time decision or a limited-time offer.

Health is getting up day after day and committing to making the best possible decisions you can.

Health is not being “better” than the person next to you but rather measuring your progress compared to who you were yesterday.

If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right place! Check out my website or bio to get in touch. I offer 15-minute complimentary consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your home.

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