Naturopathic Principles #2 Healing power of nature


Humans evolved over thousands of years to thrive in the environment on earth. This includes a cycle of light and dark each day, a certain amount of oxygen in the air, the food that is available, etc. Our natural state is good health. Naturopathic medicine believes when you remove the obstacles to health, healing is the natural response.

My favorite way to visualize this concept is to think about getting a fairly serious cut. You go to urgent care and have it stitched up (the appropriate intervention in this case). Over the next few weeks, the skin closes, the pain recedes and you are (just about) as good as new. Did the doctor (or nurse) who did the stitching “heal” you? No! They helped your body have a good healing outcome but your body (nature) did the healing. 

Along these same lines, I am not responsible for you regaining great health. I contribute my expertise, give you the road map, troubleshoot your roadblocks, motivate you to get past plateaus and direct your general trajectory. But YOU do the work and your body does the healing. Together we harness the power of nature to achieve great health. When you remove the obstacles in your path, your body returns to its innate state of good health.

Does this principle resonate with your own health beliefs? Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home. 

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