Determinants of Health #7 Meaningful occupation

You don’t have to be a doctor to have important work. It does not even have to be paid to be a meaningful occupation. Occupation literally means how we spend our time – how we occupy ourselves. As a social species, human beings naturally seek out ways to engage with the world and others.

How do you give your time to meaningful pursuits? Volunteer work, following a certain career path, parenting, church or school involvement, fostering children, adopting pets from animal shelters, giving blood, the possibilities are endless! 

When I ask my patients what they do for work, I follow it up with “Do you enjoy it?” But really the better question is – “Is it meaningful for you?” And it does not have to be your main gig. With the Internet as a powerful tool, many people will create a “side gig” that involves something they are passionate about, a creative pursuit or some form of giving back.

Challenge yourself to answer the question: “What excites me?” and see where that leads. Not everyone becomes a rich, famous or powerful person in their endeavors but we all have the ability to reach out and positively impact others.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.  

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

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