Head over to Instagram to see my latest video about all things breastfeeding @drjesskeating or check it out on Facebook here.
Quick tips:
1. Keep taking your prenatal vitamin after you give birth.
2. Stay hydrated. Drink 50% more water than before you gave birth. (60 oz = 90 oz. 100 oz = 150 oz, etc).
3. Get support. Lean on friends, family and professional help from Lactation Consultants.
4. Try out a breast pump. Having someone else feed baby is good for you and baby.
5. Eat enough healthy foods. Increased caloric intake is important. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, protein and healthy fats.
Breastfeeding can be very hard. It can take time for you and your baby to really figure it out. Having lots of support is essential. Support can come from your workplace, Lactation Consultants, friends, family and your moon network. It is an amazing journey and it is so worth it but it is important to know that it can be very challenging.
Do not hesitate to reach out to friends, family or professionals for help so that your breastfeeding journey can succeed!
Research shows that the majority of new moms want to breastfeed but most of them stop earlier than they intended to due to a variety of challenges. Things that can hinder your breastfeeding journey include going back to work (time away from baby and lack of adequate time or pumping areas), supply issues (over or under), poor latch, exhaustion/sleep deprivation, sore nipples and balancing breastfeeding with caring for older children.
Get all the right gear. It can help to have a good breast pump so that your baby can take a bottle from someone else and you can get a break. There are electric pumps, manual pumps and basic suction pumps or shells. Get a good nipple cream to take care of your nipples (Iām a big fan of Motherlove.) Breast pads to keep your bra and shirt dry. Healthy snacks and hydration are also essential.
I am here to help! I am a naturopathic doctor and a chiropractor. I work with patients to optimize their health. Feel free to reach out with any questions. I offer free 15 minute consultation calls.
Share your breastfeeding stories, questions or favorite breastfeeding supplies below!
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