
Why choose telehealth?


Put simply, telehealth is here to stay. What explains its sudden popularity and seeming staying power?

Most important is convenience. It benefits both the patient and the doctor to schedule appointments around your own schedule. This system actually works well for both parties! Schedule at home, at work, on a lunch break, wherever, whenever.

Efficiency. Utilizing telehealth helps save time! You can do a visit from the comfort of your own home and save time lost traveling to an office. What a great concept! Plus, you can rest assured that you are not losing quality in these visits. For a majority of cases, the details you provide and the facts of your case are sufficient to reach an accurate diagnosis. Plus if lab work is needed, then all the preliminary information is gathered and labs can be ordered.

Safety. During COVID-19, safety was a paramount concern. Now even though the pandemic has largely begun to wane, we all still value safety. Perhaps you have a sick kid and would rather not bring those germs into the doctor’s office. Perhaps the doctor doesn’t feel 100% and is working from home. All of these factors combine to ensure that telehealth will stay around for the foreseeable future.

If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my website or bio to get in touch. I offer 15-minute complimentary consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

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