What is high intensity interval training?

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There are many ways to support healthy metabolism. Two major ones that have gotten a lot of attention recently are Intermittent Fasting (IF) and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The best news is that both of these are relatively simple to do, can be free or cheap to implement and can be used together! Check out my post from Monday about IF.

High-Intensity Interval Training – (HIIT) involves a short workout alternating periods of “work” and “rest” or high and low intensity. This may be done with just about any activity – weights, kettle bells, jump squats, jumping jacks, any type of cardio (running, biking, swimming), etc.  Most HIIT workouts last between 4 and 20 minutes. Many cardio cycles involve 30 seconds of high effort and 30 seconds of rest (or light effort) – commonly done by alternating sprinting and jogging or cycling hard and then lightly. HIIT can also involve doing an exercise like jumping jacks for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. One style of HIIT called Tabata involves 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for a duration of only 4 minutes.

HIIT has garnered a lot of scientific study recently and has many proven benefits. HIIT is great for busy individuals because you can get the same benefit of a moderate-intensity 60-minute cardio session with a HIIT cardio session of only 20 minutes. Short sessions are much easier to fit into our busy schedules. HIIT may even be better at targeting fat cells than doing a traditional or “steady state” cardio session. HIIT can be done in the gym or at home and requires little to no special equipment. HIIT principles can be applied to any type of exercise to prevent boredom with your routine.

HIIT and IF are a great combination to boost metabolism and fuel healthy weight loss. Eating a healthy diet is also crucial to maintaining a healthy weight. If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my website in my “about” section to get in touch. I offer 15-minute complimentary consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Telehealth appointments are available at your convenience from the comfort of your own home.

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