Root cause

Naturopathic Principles #3 Treat the root cause

Rather than suppressing symptoms, naturopathic doctors work to find the root cause and treat accordingly. The classic phrase “Don’t kill the messenger” fits nicely with this principle. Painful periods, headaches, anxiety, constipation, acne, low libido, joint pain and poor sleep are all symptoms. Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating that something is wrong. While you can take a pill for most of these conditions, that approach fails to address the root cause.

We’ll take headaches as an example. In my practice, I have found the most common underlying causes of headaches to be dehydration (chronic inadequate water intake), muscle tension (particularly in the neck) and food triggers (also called food sensitivities). While patients sometimes get relief from over-the-counter pain meds, the lasting and complete solution is to address these fundamental causes.

If you desire a deeper solution to your health challenges, find a licensed Naturopathic Doctor to work with on your health journey. A comprehensive intake is part of the process we use to investigate the true causes of your health concerns. We then craft a comprehensive treatment plan to help you regain great health.

Does this principle resonate with your own health beliefs? Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

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