Vitamin R

Determinants of Health #6 Vitamin R and Vitamin N


It’s Sunday! Traditionally a day of rest, my Sunday posts are dedicated to “Vitamin R.” In naturopathic philosophy, Vitamin R means rest, recreation, relaxation and rejuvenation. It is just as essential to good health as deep sleep, exercise, meaningful relationships and healthy food. Each Sunday I post about things that help me rest and rejuvenate. It is very important to cultivate these habits and hobbies. I cannot tell you how many of my patients draw a total blank when I ask them: “What do you do for fun? Or for “you time”? Or as a hobby?” Make sure you have an answer to these questions.

Closely related to Vitamin R is Vitamin N - time spent in Nature. In our modern world, we don’t always make time to be outdoors. Spending time in nature helps to literally ground us, calms the nervous system and can even lower blood pressure and cortisol (our main stress hormone). It can be as simple as gardening, walking in a local park, checking out a forest preserve, camping, etc. Make sure to get outside!

As a soothing hobby, I love to knit. I don’t mind that it makes me seem like an old lady. Knitting is a calming craft that I can do after a hectic day. Here I am making a 100% cotton wash cloth. Handmade crafts make very thoughtful gifts!

Knitting has benefits beyond calming the nervous system and slowing down our busy lives. Numerous studies have shown positive benefits to brain function, focus and even slowing arthritis by keeping your joints healthy. Trying new things is a crucial way you can keep your brain growing at any age.

Do the things you love. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. 

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? Check out my website or bio to get in touch. I offer 15-minute complimentary consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your home. 

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating #willowcnm #willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #vitaminr #selfcare #knitting #nature

Sunday Funday!

The real question in life is not, “What do you do for work?” but rather, “What do you do for fun?”

It’s Sunday! Traditionally a day of rest, my Sunday posts are dedicated to “Vitamin R.” In naturopathic philosophy, Vitamin R means rest, recreation, relaxation and rejuvenation. It is just as essential to good health as deep sleep, exercise, meaningful relationships and healthy food. Each Sunday I post about things that help me rest and rejuvenate. It is very important to cultivate these habits and hobbies. I cannot tell you how many of my patients draw a total blank when I ask them: “What do you do for fun? Or for “you time”? Or as a hobby?” Make sure you have an answer to these questions. 

My “quarantine craft” was to take up Diamond Painting! This slow craft eventually produces beautiful paintings, one small gem at a time. It gives me a break from my busy schedule and lets my mind rest. I found it a delightful way to have a creative endeavor and a little “me time.” Addressing self-care, creativity and mental well-being is just one way that I treat the whole person.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer 15-minute complimentary consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #healing #drjesskeating #willowcnm #herbalmedicine #willowclinic #functionalmedicine #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #chiropractic #vitamindR #treatyourself #dayofrest #creativity