Determinants of Health #9 Mental-Emotional

Specializing in women’s health has given me a huge appreciation for the connections between what we consider separate aspects of health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, etc. 2020 has given us all a crash course in how these facets interact.

Being able to speak openly about mental health is a shift that we are still making as a culture. It is important to not only de-stigmatize mental health challenges but also open up and welcome these (sometimes tough) conversations. A 2015 study from the journal “Current Psychiatry Reports” states that “Of those dying by suicide, approximately 45% will have seen their primary care provider within the month before their death, while only 20% will have seen a mental health professional in that period.”

This is a tragic statistic because it highlights how we medical professionals need to be asking the right questions. When someone sees me I always inquire as to their mental-emotional wellness. I also strive to create an open and non-judgmental environment where patients feel they can open up about their inner feelings. Great growth can come from the dark times we face if we are able to reach out for help to work through them.

I am here to have those tough conversations. I am here to help you decipher the symptoms you are experiencing. Many women are deeply in touch with the connection between their mental health and their physical well-being. Trust your gut and always seek out a practitioner who is going to partner with you to get the answers you need.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

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