
She is you Articles

I have two more articles up at She is You! Check it out here.



In January, the She is You community is doing a group program called “Better Year, Best You!” We will have guidance on revitalizing your career path, relationships, mental well-being and health journey! Joining with a group of motivated women to make positive change is a perfect way to kick off 2021! Check out the website in the coming weeks for further details.

Determinants of Health #13 Inborn factors

We have come to the end of our series investigating the naturopathic determinants of health. Ironically, this brings us all the way to the beginning of life. Each of us is born into a unique environment with an individual genetic code, which is modified by epigenetic factors. If that sounds like gibberish, let me clarify. We inherit genes from our parents but just because you have a particular gene does not mean it is “activated.” There are ways to turn on and off genes to determine which of them are expressed. This is the new field of epigenetics.

Beyond the genes, or hardware, there are many factors that we consider “inborn.” Birth order is one of them (first, last, in the middle), maternal health plays a role in baby health, genetic factors and the circumstances during your birth. Was it an uncomplicated birth, vaginal or C-section, simple or traumatic? How old was your mother when you were born? How many siblings do you have? All of these factors can impact your health.

For a deeper level of this concept, consider this: You as an egg existed in your mother when she was a baby in her mother’s womb! All of a woman’s eggs develop during gestation, which means the egg that would become you was also influenced by the health of your maternal grandmother during her pregnancy with your mother. This always blows my mind as it demonstrates an inter-generational model of health.

None of this is meant to be fatalistic – suggesting that you are doomed by your genetics. Rather these are just several more factors that play a role in determining the big picture that is you. Knowledge is power and the more we know, the better we can provide you a path toward excellent health.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating  #willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #genetics #epigenetics #genes #birthstory

Determinants of Health #11 Past medical history

This topic is pretty straightforward. What happens to us, in part, determines our current health status. This is why doctors inquire as to past surgery, hospitalization, major trauma, etc.

Have you experienced past illnesses, toxic exposures, major surgery? All of these things will play a role in your current health. This is not to say that these factors will determine your health but rather to say that they matter. One reason why naturopathic doctors typically conduct a longer intake visit is so that we can investigate and address all the factors that impact your health.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating  #willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #pastmedicalhistory

Determinants of Health #9 Mental-Emotional

Specializing in women’s health has given me a huge appreciation for the connections between what we consider separate aspects of health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, etc. 2020 has given us all a crash course in how these facets interact.

Being able to speak openly about mental health is a shift that we are still making as a culture. It is important to not only de-stigmatize mental health challenges but also open up and welcome these (sometimes tough) conversations. A 2015 study from the journal “Current Psychiatry Reports” states that “Of those dying by suicide, approximately 45% will have seen their primary care provider within the month before their death, while only 20% will have seen a mental health professional in that period.”

This is a tragic statistic because it highlights how we medical professionals need to be asking the right questions. When someone sees me I always inquire as to their mental-emotional wellness. I also strive to create an open and non-judgmental environment where patients feel they can open up about their inner feelings. Great growth can come from the dark times we face if we are able to reach out for help to work through them.

I am here to have those tough conversations. I am here to help you decipher the symptoms you are experiencing. Many women are deeply in touch with the connection between their mental health and their physical well-being. Trust your gut and always seek out a practitioner who is going to partner with you to get the answers you need.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating  #willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #mentalhealth #womenshealth

Determinants of Health #8 Cycles

Cycles are something that we get accustomed to and forget about. There are various types of cycles that we all experience as humans. The daily cycle of light and dark, the seasonal cycles and a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle are the most prominent examples. Nature (and we are part of nature) comes and goes in waves.

When we honor these cycles, we function optimally as we are working with nature. Many of us tend to be more productive in the summer months with longer days and warmer weather. Then we slow down in the winter. If we try to go at the same speed all year long, we risk burnout. The same can be said for the monthly menstrual cycle. Many women feel the urge to slow down during her period as the body is going through major shifts. This occurs again during pregnancy and menopause. Many men also experience what is being called “andropause” where they “shift gears” in mid-life.

This is not to say that we all have the same rhythms. Some people feel very energized around the full moon and some people feel more tired at this time. Some people function best in the morning and others are night owls. Do you have a season where you feel most productive? Or a time of day where you are most energized? Tap into these cycles to learn more about your body and your health. Plan big projects during your productive times and schedule rest when you are in a natural downswing. Nature has much to teach us if we are willing to listen.

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating#willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #Cycles #rhythm #mooncycle #seasons #womenshealth

Determinants of Health #3 Nutrition


I could probably talk about food and digestion for hours! Obviously what we put into our body all day every day has an impact on our overall health.

This determinant includes what we ingest as well as how well we digest. If you have severely compromised digestion, it does not matter how well you eat if your body cannot absorb and utilize it.

This topic is so dense that I will stick to a few basic points.

1.    What you eat matters. Period.

2.    Diet is everything you put into your mouth. I approach food in terms of sustainable lifestyle changes instead of fad, temporary or crash “diets.”

3.    There is no “best diet” for everyone – I work with patients to optimize their diet based on their individual health needs, age, activity level, cultural background and food preferences.

4.    Changing what you eat is a gradual and challenging process. Food is intertwined with our history, memories, convenience, access, knowledge and means. Be patient with the process.

5.    Keep an open mind and you may be astonished at the changes you notice. I have used dietary changes to benefit a wide array of conditions – gut health, headaches, sinus/allergy issues, menstrual pain, migraines, sleep issues, anxiety, depression, arthritis and more!

Naturopathic doctors take a comprehensive look at your health. We ask about the many factors that influence health, which we term “The determinants of health.” Taking a patient-centered approach lets us build a comprehensive plan to help patients achieve their health goals.

Are you looking for a new kind of partnership with your primary care provider? If you are ready to start or revitalize your health journey, you are in the right spot! Check out my bio to get in touch. I offer free 15-minute consultation calls to answer your initial questions. Convenient telehealth appointments are available from the comfort of your own home.

#naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healing #drjesskeating#willowclinic #telehealth #holisticmedicine #healthjourney #foodismedicine #healthylife #health #goodfood #nodiets